Wednesday, December 14, 2011

A new lid and some new skills!

The Chipmunk has been on a tear today! He ordered and ate his breakfast of boiled eggs, green beans, and tabasco (yes, really) and hasn't stopped moving since. He stole the big step stool to drag into the kitchen and steal food off of the counter.... (what did he steal? cookies? crackers? cheese? beans!) and spent the rest of the morning jumping from the dog crates onto the sofa and trying to climb the stairs from the outside. YIKES! We were all grateful when it was time to meet our friends at the bookstore.

Maybe it's the tabasco?

Here's the hat I just finished for him :)

New lid

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Little Drummer Boy

The Chipmunk is getting into the spirit of the season. Today, he's the little drummer boy!

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Monday, December 5, 2011

Christmas Tree!

We took ourselves out for a grand adventure this weekend when we decided to get our Christmas tree from a local tree farm!

tree 2011 4

The boy had a great time feeding the cows and goats and picking out just the perfect tree :)

tree 2011 6

Truth be told, we ALL had a great time!


tree 2011 3

lost in the woods...

tree 2011 5

More pictures soon when we get the lights on the tree!

Thursday, December 1, 2011

The Roaming Gnome

likes to help tell the stories!

roaming gnome

OK, you get the trains and I'll get the cookies. I'll meet you over behind the bookshelf where they can't see us.

J and S

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Thanks for the coffee

Are there any pancakes left?

Thanks for the coffee, Mom

The Chipmunk has chores

We try to take advantage of the toddler obsessions whenever feeding da Gooch his dinner is one of the Chipmunk's 'chores'. da Gooch is such a patient little guy!

Here's the video!

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

I Spy Bottle

The Chipmunk is VERY into putting things in and taking things out right now, so I thought we'd make him an I Spy Bottle to play with. We had tons of fun with it! He loved choosing what to put in :)

We used puff balls, pipe cleaners twisted into curlyques, some metallic confetti, marbles, a bead necklace, foam blocks and strips, buttons, and straws cut into different lengths.

Here's our bowl of goodies.

I spy6

I love those little chunky baby hands :)

i spy5

i spy4

Friday, November 11, 2011

I have a new regulator for my harps. I'm not quite sure what I think yet...his methods seem a little strange, but he obviously loves his job!