Thursday, February 23, 2012

Out and about

The Chipmunk announced that we were going for a walk yesterday, so we did!

Mama! Come on!

We're going this way.

Betcha can't catch me :)


Tuesday, February 21, 2012

We haven't been around the blog for a week or two - there's been a run of illnesses in our house, but we're all recovering nicely now. Somehow, it's still been a busy couple of weeks. I'll try to catch you up a little now :)

An early Valentine's gift from Grandmom and Pop Pop has resulted in some serious fun

I particularly like the smokestack!

Choo choo!

We helped our cousin plant a tree for Tu B'Shevat

The Chipmunk went to the park in the cold with Granddad

He tried to walk a mile in Mama's boots :)

Walk a mile...

"Mama!! I fix it!"

Mr fixit

D is for Drum...


....and for Dig!


And for my proud Mama moment of the day: The Boy read the entire alphabet to me this morning!

Friday, February 3, 2012

B is for Bird house!

We go out to see if the birds have moved in yet almost every day.

Boy, we've been busy!

Sorry for the delay, we've been running like mad this week!

We've worked on the letter B:

Played a little music:

And we've been to the zoo!


At the zoo playground...I'm seeing a theme here.

And his new favorite bird....MINGOES!