No two days in our homeschool are ever the same and we love it that way! This is today's slice of love and fun.
Hungry, hungry math!
Fighting cats, hyper dogs, lots of music, and learning along with the human hurricane.
No two days in our homeschool are ever the same and we love it that way! This is today's slice of love and fun.
Hungry, hungry math!
We've been reading a lot about volcanoes and rocks lately and having a lot of fun with it! Since we actually saw the lava flow from Kilauea it's been a major source of conversation around here.
New fun this morning :) I wrote out a series of short notes for the Boy that all led to a quick hunt and a small prize. He asked for more and more and more and sounded out a lot of words!
We've been starving for sunshine around here, so the chipmunk and I took a quick trip to Florida to visit family.
He loves to sit and have breakfast and watch for skateboarders and dogs. We spotted coconuts, did some surfing on the bodyboard, and had an all around fabulous time!
The boy doesn't really like to color. He doesn't like to draw. He will paint occasionally, and he loves mazes, but most of the time has had no interest in holding anything that will write. We pushed it a few times, then decided to trust that he'd come to it when he was ready. All the things are available and he has mostly ignored them until this week. He got up Monday morning and wrote a to do list on the chalkboard. Then he wrote words on the sidewalk outside. He gets it in his own time.
Daylight savings here came along with 75° weather and plenty of rain. We're spending all of our time dodging the rain drops and planting everything we can find. We can't wait for veggies!