Enter the community garden. It's new in our little town and we're VERY excited to see it come together! We went to a work day yesterday to help finish the building, mulching, and digging that needed to be done before the grand opening next week. It's a fabulous, energetic, loving group of people and we had a wonderful time!
Chipmunk spent nearly two and a half hours filling wheelbarrows with dirt. With a Chipmunk-sized trowel :)

He really worked over there by himself for a long time - people kept coming up to offer help and he would tell them "No, thank you. It's MY job!"
I'm so excited that we're getting to be a part of this. He's going to be able to learn about where his food comes from, gardening, friendship, helping people, and so much more!
Happy, dirty, and exhausted. Just the way we like him!! (Thanks so much for the photos, Gretchen!)
No better teacher than Mother Nature and getting your hands into the Earth....so happy you have this opportunity ! Perfect!