This is a long post with a lot of low quality cell phone pics, so bear with me! I'm really trying to establish a little bit of a routine for us as we get closer to fall. I thought that documenting a full day of 'school' might help!
The first thing we do almost every morning is spend an hour cuddled up in bed reading. It's the Chipmunk's time...he can bring me any books he likes and we'll read them as many times as he likes. Today, it was a Winnie the Pooh book about color mixing (which we'll try to follow up on tomorrow with a project), a story about a hibernating little bear (I think we read it three times), and a Little Critter book called
When I Get Bigger.
When we finally manage to get dressed and get downstairs, we make breakfast and start a little bit of 'sit down' work. Today, we read from our phonics book, drew for a little while, and traced some sandpaper letters.
Sometimes we sit in the sink to wash the dishes :)
We take care of the various animals and live projects around the house...walking dogs, checking the cat food, and feeding the tadpoles.
The big one has tiny little legs now!
Today we had a few errands to run, so off we went! First stop was to pick up a music book for his first violin lesson tomorrow, so we turned it into a field trip and explored EVERYTHING in the store.
This drum set is JUST my size!
Here he was showing me how the bass pedals work. It turns out that they have chains to hold them together and springs that make them bounce back into place.
You have to test them all to see which one works best, of course.
The pitch on one of these bongos is higher than the other. Our experiment indicates that it's always the smaller one :) We tested them all.
The next stop was the Community Garden for a little maintenance on our vegetable bed. This is one of our tomatoes that was looking pretty sad. He's holding it by the tap root and dragging it to the compost bin. This was also an opportunity to talk about why the tomato plant was tired and that the seasons were going to change soon.
We hung out in the back of the truck for a little while when we got caught in a pop up thundershower (which he predicted this morning...."Look Mama! Stratus clouds. It will rain today.") Next time he says that, I will bring an umbrella!
We put in some pole beans. It's a little bit of a gamble, but I think we'll be ok.
When we got back in the car, he wanted to show me the 'dots' in his new book. We listened to the CD with the book all day.
After we got home, we read for a little while and then he wanted more phonics. I will NEVER argue with that!
I taught for a couple of hours in the afternoon, so the Chipmunk had plenty of time for free play.
There was some washing up in the new tables from Pop Pop.
And plenty of digging in dry beans with his diggers and bulldozers :)
I'm tired just typing this!
After dinner, he and Dad did some writing letters on the chalkboard, then it was more books and off to bed!

This was a full, but really fun day for us and I'm looking SO forward to a lot more of them!